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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by malon_loves_link

  1. Aww you guys are the literal best thank you!!
  2. I first joined bc of the bumps and wondering wtf is up with Inuyasha. Then pretty much stuck to IB bc the anime boards got super cliqueish. IB was home. IB was life.
  3. I'm interested to see what happens with Solar Opposites on Hulu. Now that show was finally hitting its stride and was fucking hilarious. Ffs how hard is it to just not be a piece of shit, Justin?!
  4. Omggggg you gaaaaaais. Love, Dangus
  5. I am so stoked for this anime but I can't wait it one episode a week...I watched the first 2 and now I'm going to wait until the episode that explains what happens to the og cast airs. I have been spoiled by the anome binges....and I bet whenever sesshy meets up with towa his first comment will be to disparage her tomboyish looks bc he is a judgy little pretty boi
  6. Soooo how do you play your characters? I've clung to the high evasion armor like white on rice as it makes olberic duels slick af..I've not upgraded since level 20 I think... Someone is telling me that Primrose makes a beast scholar....what Tell me how you like it!!
  7. Aw you guys <3 asmb peeps for life
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