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Everything posted by Blink89

  1. yeah, really only 1 of those things is practical lol
  2. My school finally lost its lawsuit and now I will be given complete/partial loan forgiveness due to them being shady as fuck . I will hopefully be able to rent a house, buy a car, and really start working on my credit!
  3. It is an amazing cover for sure, but each version has a different feel to it. Disturbs version sounds more like a redemption song where as Simon and Garfunkel's version is more melancholy
  4. Well i envy you then hahaha I get over eating the same type of food over and over again. Especially if its the only thing I ate.
  5. Or lose...you know whichever
  6. There are always exception to the rules lol
  7. Sometimes too much of something kills it for yourself
  8. It appears that way I mean I dont 100% percent despise it, but I am also not the guy who says "Hey lets go get pizza"
  9. Hey now...i was forced to eat pizza everyday, breakfast lunch and dinner, for 6-7 months straight. I am over it now lol. There are still certain types that I enjoy but most wouldn't consider them pizza.
  10. i dont like pizza....but those look good
  11. bruh, i totes dont want tatter totz
  12. totes bruh
  13. totes
  14. well maybe not with that attitude
  15. OG reporting in
  16. Nope
  17. this thread is immortal
  18. oh shit
  19. shits gettin real in here
  20. sounds like we are gonna have to have a good ol' fashion strong off
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