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Everything posted by Blink89

  1. this thread has made me realize how vanilla my life has been....
  2. Life is anime
  3. tig ol bitties
  4. Guess again!
  5. I am back >_______________>
  6. I want a mink ushunka but it doesn't get cold enough where i live to justify it
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLP1PEqp8ks
  8. I have achieved levels I never thought possible
  9. Visiting with my Mom, then visiting my GFs family, and then I'm spending a week trying to master Java.
  10. I only drink espresso now Regular coffee never did much I usually do like 6 shot of espresso and then i add some hot chocolate or something
  11. :3
  12. Noooo D:
  13. Frosty?
  14. Thief!
  15. I am thinking the same thing but I am worried that 100mil isn't enough to fully forgive everyone's debts from 2008-2015. But even if its like a 75% forgiveness I would be happy.
  16. This is very true, and it just keeps going up higher. My rent actually just got raised as well lol. But at least I will actually be able to work on my credit score for the first time in my life.
  17. Hell yeah! Time to rage it up! We will pile up all my college garbage and DeVry merch and have a giant bon fire!
  18. Yeap hahaha. Would not recommend attending Me too, I am hoping i get full forgiveness but we will see. More information to be given in 2017.
  19. yeah it sucks but I was young and dumb. Didn't do my research and was just too excited to start working towards my dream job lol . It was a valuable learning experience, although expensive.
  20. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. DeVry :\ but they are really 1 in the same
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