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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. ya know if i could find free animation software, I'd sooo make another one
  2. Its one of the reasons I don't really watch TV anymore. Lol that shit sucks. I won't watch mind hunter cause they rejected me twice. Lmao I'm petty
  3. So it shoots on the week of the 22nd Its safe to say if I don't hear anything by the end of next week they went with someone else. Unfortunately for commercials they don't tell you if you didn't get it. You just gotta assume lol
  4. Pennies in a well! I might get to hang with gus!
  5. I got doughnuts cause I'm a fatass
  6. Best one so far
  7. Update! My audition today went great. As well as it could have gone. The director seemed to like me. Here's hoping!
  8. I give such a little amount of a fuck for my health. The environment is cool but if I die thats less strain on resources homie
  9. I will! I need to shave. Not looking forward to that
  10. I'm actually more excited because I actually have lines in this one AND it's for the Pennsylvania lotto. SO if i get it I GET TO TALK TO GUS THE GROUNDHOG! GUS!!!! AHHHHHHHHH
  11. I will ban you.
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