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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Probably. They completely shut him down. It was very surprising.
  2. so it implies you have a large penis. I can't do mine. You do it.
  3. fucking awesome comment
  4. Today I've said I wanted an NFL qb to perform oral sex on me and I talked about drinking blood. I obviously have a brain tumor. Feel cold. Death soon.
  5. a lot dude. fuck kinda question is that? i have brain damage. tf? So what? I drink blood when i fuck. Whats the big deal?
  6. HEY KIRK COUSINS! YoU LIkE ThAT DURRYUIRHGRGR Kill yourself you fucking loser haha
  7. I'll beat tf out of Kirk Cousins
  8. Not gonna lie I hope the vikings get the fuck beat out of them
  9. not all. The world record for mario 1 is 4:55.746 There are tool assisted speedruns but they're really to showcase what is theoretically possible
  10. I beat super mario 1 in 12 minutes and 58 seconds which is COMPLETE fucking trash, but it's not too bad considering it was my first try and I died twice. I was kinda thinking about trying again and filming it. Would anyone give a fuck to watch it?
  11. lol true it's always way easier to just wish you could do something, but this isn't hard. Lol if I can do it anyone can. YOU GOT THIS!
  12. dude im a lazy piece of garbage i will literally sit here and poke holes in all of your excuses
  13. Thank you! Also you totally can if you practice and shit
  14. Lol next time I need a poster we'll talk
  15. This thread has officially become a neckbeard pissing contest.
  16. If you're serious I'll dm you sometime about it.
  17. Not sure. I just started sketching and he came about lol. I was going for an old school noir thing
  18. I've censored the other guy on the show as well as my name (even though some of you already know it) I think it's pretty dope!
  19. For this one it was completely freestyle. Just a word limit. I'm thinking about starting another one.
  20. Do y'all want to do this again? If so, I'm willing to start it back up (with a prompt this time). I'm really busy though so I would need help.
  21. I definitely understand. Took me a minute to learn Witcher. You wanna be awake so you can appreciate all of it. It's a really big game
  22. You have to learn the game. Git gud betch
  23. Dude. Play that shit. Now. Fuck these boards
  24. If I hear geralts name get mispronounced one more time I'm gonna put a bullet in my brain
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