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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. https://anchor.fm/corydre
  2. If you need background noise: Anchor.fm/corydre
  3. Why do you hate me so much it hurts my fucking feelings bro
  4. It's like robin williams arm
  5. Fuck I look like giving a fuck if my balls are shaved? God didn't put me on this earth to give a fuck if my dick is shaved. Foh
  6. I tried watching for a sec but shit was lagging. It's probably on my end
  7. Imma peep
  8. I wonder what that would even look like
  9. Lol she can say anything she wants
  10. You like freakishly tall guys? What's the height cut off?
  11. What if a tall dude is skinny as shit and can't fight tho
  12. Yeah you're a little on the shorter side
  13. Yeah that's the most common thing women say to tall dudes. Is there such a thing as too tall tho. Like is a dude still good if he's like 8 feet tall
  14. Do you think that's legit or is it society imagining shit that ain't there?
  15. Good thing I'm brown
  16. Like y'all want a jolly green giant looking mf
  17. Lol she blocked me out of nowhere after sending me like 50 voice messages drunk af
  18. Carrollton
  19. Fuck no
  20. I'm going there soon 😎
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