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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. And yet he's taught as being secondary to Thomas Edison. No agenda there lol
  2. That's fucking intense. Really makes you wonder who stood to benefit from his death.
  3. Don't do that to yourself man. There's nothing you could have done differently. None of this was your fault. You did everything you could.
  4. Take some time my man. Embrace your loved ones and remember the good times you had with him. My condolences. Death is a mother fucker.
  5. This guy smacks your girl's ass. What do you do?
  6. I mean if you want to do it for real I won't judge
  7. It means we just make it look like youre getting reamed but you actually arent
  8. logical response bro. I'm proud
  9. Butt ass naked for either one bro
  10. It's a 450 pound former NFL player. Non negotiable
  11. Dude honestly that sounds like some bitch shit. You NEED to drink whiskey out of the bottle. Nothing else.
  12. What you drink?
  13. You drink alot?
  14. You'd rather sit in all the shit and piss?
  15. For a million dollars Would you rather eat unwashed ass for 20 minutes... Or sit in neck deep raw sewage from a weight loss clinic for an hour straight?
  16. Y u in psych ward?
  17. Just finished setting up my office. It's fucking lit!
  18. The cartel will chop their heads off and feed them to dogs
  19. Fuck that punk. He's a porn addict
  20. Or we could just drop them off in honduras
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