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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. i dont trust the cloud tho
  2. not really. didnt mean to quote you twice
  3. you got me all the way fucked up
  4. I'm sueing you
  5. How much? I'm broke af.
  7. The problem is my screen is broke bruh
  8. I was using s note
  9. You gonna call those bitches?
  10. *fucks your bouncers*
  11. They'll think its a mushroom. It cool bro. Seriously tho can they do anything about it? The screen is black. You can't see shit.
  12. Idk wtf esoteric means dude. I'm stupid. Use smaller words you e=mc squared ass bitch
  13. Ok so I had a samsung galaxy s7. The screen got smashed. Problem is I had a bunch of stand up premises saved in my notes. All I've been able to retrieve from the phone are pictures and bullshit. Is there anyway I can retrieve those notes?
  14. You're such a lone wolf dog bird alpha omega stud dinosaur pedo bad ass bro
  15. Me too. I love when they put me in my place. Shit gets me thick
  16. Maybe I'll show her this thread and see if she changes her mind
  17. Shut up. You're a kitten.
  18. Good she become an admin and I can act bouji af around here
  19. I don't think she's into it. Tried telling her it's not always like that. You angry muh fuckas 🤣
  20. Fuck it. She needs a man anyway
  21. That's how it is in my scene for sure. I thought comedians we no holds barred, but it's so easy to hurt their bitch ass feelings. Not all of them tho. I've heard in parts of NYC they tell you to gtfo if you get offended.
  22. Yeah guess she has no chance with your alpha stud wolf dog moonbeam self huh?
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