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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. @KimopoBotarhey that's a valid question, I agree that's true, but you need to reply for me to know what the point of you asking is. please be nice
  2. I hope you read all those lmfao, but quit being a dick, I am a GOOD GUY sometimes lolololol
  3. its really only been five years since I graduated, and my bachelors didn't land me a dream job. my position is outdone by people with masters degrees or more than five years experience as a social worker. I landed a job once that I decided I didn't want. it was a safety and supervision position at a half way house, but they wanted me to use my car to transport inmates so I didn't not accept the position.
  4. I worked at a grocery store for a little while and washed dishes at an Italian joint. I feel like im forgetting one
  5. I worked at wally world for a year, burger king for 16 months, and now I do maintenance
  6. yep. I worked for the State of New York in a food service operation of a prison, a mental health facility, a drug rehab and a foster program I served an entire institutionalized population of nearly 300 people on average, three meals and two snacks, a juice cart and dessert cart. washed hundreds of dishes, cleaned cut, chopped, baked, steamed and otherwise cooked, pureed, ground, allergy warnings, diabetics, kidney disease hazard environment for repeat SOTP (murderers and rapists, pedophiles) offenders, foster children drug addicts and mental heath patients, their total and comprehensive daily nutritional needs but I quit
  7. thanks. mine was super confusing and drawn out to the limits. first in 2013 I applied for $0 monthly because of no income and it was approved. that was before I applied for a total discharge and the $0 payments continued for a few months. it changed from no income $0 to discharge approval and the bills stop coming in the mail, so what that really means simply put, the zero payments would have continued for twenty years, based on my in being below poverty: your payment is zero if you are below poverty. when the discharge process began I was immediately on probation for 3 years I had to remain below poverty, (that's how they determine that you cannot pay + you have to have a paper from social security that says you are disabled through their decision for at least seven years) because its a future projection on your possibility to recover from illness : minimum is you cant work because of your illness 5-7 years. then the three year probation means you have to remain in poverty, when thats over DISCHARGED
  8. are weirdos gonna make gifs of me and my wife from the other night? know what happen? I was drunk and thinking about her that some how I still love her and just had to share those beautiful pictures, something just went **snap** and I had to share the joy and love. I am so embarrassed
  9. oh yeah and theres a second round of troops after me just because they chose to. did nothing to them, but literally cannot have a civil conversation with them because some how they made up their mind that im insane and retarded, and that their hate for me is some kind of religion of theirs. they think if they badger me forever, it makes them cool
  10. helpme and his friends all hate me think im a crazy Nazi wife beater gay soy boy and they wont let up
  11. im thankful my dad paid to put gold fillings in in two of my molars when I was 9 im thankful that when I have nightmares I know ill wake up safe in bed im thankful for visible light and the color spectrum im thankful im not bored with life, that I still carry vigor and aspirations im thankful that I can still work small jobs and make some extra dough, because my resume has literally turned into shit im thankful for tattoos. tattoos are great. im thankful there is a place in my mind that is secure and stable in any given situation, like and instinct to survive or suffice and stuff.
  12. Inorite what if all I have to do is apply for a graduate loan and i'll get my Masters for free... ill be boozed up at my thesis....lol
  13. do remember all the bottles of whiskey, rum, beer parties, and being intoxicated for years while I earned 2 college degrees??? (on the governments $34,000 student loan)??? I borrowed, lived on, paid for everything I owned, my rent, food, and everything else, with absolutely no income except the loan and gov benefits...??? partied, rocked out to death grips, played cards against humanity, had many conversations and shit posts I will never remember??? ALL FOR ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FREE!!! THEY DISCHARGED MY LOANS TODAY!! fuck yeah, best news I had in a while :):):)
  14. rolling out into the clouds, succumbed to atmospheric pressure, blowing across the globe, eternally... is a mouthful of thought, of the same consideration it would take one to replace it with love, with truth or honesty. every crime is a disrespect of a disrespected man, woman, soul, being, child, infant, animal. every meaning has a meaning beneath that, and beneath that yet another meaning. start by breathing love.
  15. ok i will lay off the cheese burgers
  16. this girl was on the news talking about watching her dad run into the house last minute, the seeing the kitchen roof collapse. she sat there blowing the horn for a few minutes, realized he wasnt coming back, put the car inreverse, but the tires had melted. at that point she realized her dad was dead
  17. thanks for turning me onto the malaguena, i havent heard that song in years, ...after i realized i have heard it before i forwarded it
  18. Roy Rogers? Roy Rogers McFreely?
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