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Everything posted by TICcore

  1. No, that's how you see yourself.
  2. You can stay.
  3. I don't rate guys, sorry.
  4. You're the only Ten I see.
  5. Pansexual? wtf?
  6. https://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Rice-Mochi-Daifuku-Assorted/dp/B003WC5WQA/ref=pd_sim_325_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B003WC5WQA&pd_rd_r=N627DS1D8HMTP2N0EGT3&pd_rd_w=c6A2U&pd_rd_wg=qA5wG&psc=1&refRID=N627DS1D8HMTP2N0EGT3
  7. You couldn't possibly comprehend my sexual preferences, you repulsive little toad.
  8. All the better.
  9. Thanks sweetness. Glad to know you've got my back.
  10. Everyone is dead. The End.
  11. Lol Hey, go grab me a beer while you're up, would you?
  12. You're adequate.
  13. No, that is yours. You assume.
  14. I think that's my line.
  15. You constantly babble about assumptions and THAT is the conclusion you came to? No. No one is scared of you. Without your mod powers, you are nothing.
  16. Scared? Of you? Why? Why would anyone?
  17. Hopefully you are moving to a place with no internet.
  18. C'mere! C'mere!!
  19. Lewd
  20. You do the same thing, you twiggy albino hypocrite. The only difference is that I'm better at it. You just come across as a creeper.
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