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Everything posted by TICcore

  1. ::]::
  2. Done.
  3. for offering prices this low! Come down to TIC's Wonder Emporium for the best deals in town!
  4. I tried to post gifs and it didn't work. So I asked how... but now it appears to work. So kindly shove it.
  5. tl;dr You wouldn't know smart if it took a duke on your face.
  6. You talk about yourself in the third person? That pretty much disqualifies you.
  7. Do you have somebody there giving you advice on what a smart person would do?
  8. Yes... and like I said, a smart person asks questions about things they don't know how to do.
  9. Lots of people.
  10. Haha. You want me.
  11. I toooootally knew how to do it all along and just wanted to troll you guys
  12. No, I'm clearly just asking because I enjoy your useless retorts.
  13. Smart people seek advice when they want to learn.
  14. Thanks.
  15. He was too attached to his stick.
  16. Where?
  17. What?
  18. YOU LIE!
  19. No. He's on Earth, powerless.
  20. In THOR Ragnarok.
  21. Good one.
  22. I have you to keep my threads going while I'm out and about doing things.
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