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Everything posted by Bad_Witch

  1. JoJo: You should be nicer to your mom. Is new Jojo's dad dead? Wondering why he hasn't made an appearance yet. All the girls want some Joestar. I'm impressed with gild who offers to hold Jojo's hand next time. Way to think fast. That is one hell of a body you got there Dio. Please continue to touch yourself. Avdol is so chill Gramps really hates Japan Don't stop with the pants...take it all off. Stupid hair is back. Where exactly did that Stand enter her body? Doesn't matter, any Joestar or friends of Joestar Stands can enter mine. Dude you're awful, your puppets awful, and you cannot die soon enough. Field trip to see Gramps, I have my permission slip. Good, the nurse is going to make it. Holly you are both irritating and endearing to me....I guess just like your son:D What is that?! TG: Why won't this show end?! The twins were in the same class as stitches? This makes no sense. Just kill each other.....no dammit all three lived. THIS IS A PRISON FOR GHOULS! WHY ARE YOU IDIOTS JUST TRICKLING IN! HOW CAN THERE NOT BE A FULL ON ASSAULT! EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU SUCK AT YOUR JOBS AND SHOULD DIE! What the hell is this! Lets just causally walk over, look a ghoul is causally walking to meet you, calmly face off, exchange small talk, how's the wife? kids? Guess we need to fight now. There is not enough alcohol in the world to have that make any sense. No one cares about terrible brother and dead father. Kenny's still alive He's lost his mind. Are you firing at the ghoul with a bb gun? Kid you have no one covered. STOP WITH THE SMALL TALK! IT'S STUPID! How....how the hell to you recognize him? Kenny looks nothing like the last time you saw him. This is stupid. Noooooo! let it end. Kill them all. Damn it all to hell. HH: Remember kids, always use the buddy system. That is just a good rule for everything. I don't trust you new guy. Kill him Killua. Coward runs away. Never underestimate rock, paper, scissors. The kids are getting that free meal. What could that guy possibly have to get him killed, he just got there. Explanation go. I'm not sure I trust you dude. When in doubt, always make your own way. What's you deal girl? L3: This was like watching a tennis match. There is no treasure...treasure.....no treasure....treasure! Your backstory is shit girl, but here's hoping the future is bright.
  2. I know I've missed a few weeks, but I'm lazy so just doing tonights JOJO: I missed this show and its crazy. Why is Holly so damn passive? You're a Joestar woman, time to man up! I love you new Jojo <3 I want an evil spirit to bring me stuff too. Here's Grandpa! It is perfectly acceptable for a 45 year old woman to call her father "daddy" and I fully support Holly here. I hate to tell you this new Jojo, but Gramps is going to get you out of the cell. Hello Avdol, will you answer to anyone who snaps their fingers? Asking for a friend >.> Tendrils of flame, wrapping around, restraining, burning...my god I've missed this show. And new Jojo is out...let's go for coffee. It's your fault Gramps, you spoiled Holly and now she spoils your grandson. Dio, you magnificent bastard. Stealing Jonny's body for your own. I always knew you wanted that body. TG: I'm just too lazy to turn the channel. Why did they cut back on personal? Isn't this a prison for hungry, man-eating ghouls with strange powers? Nothing could possibly go wrong... Fighting happens, red shirts die, idiots are surrounded, super powerful ghoul attacks idiots, female idiot goes down, male idiot does something stupid, creepy twins run into stitches kid...hey they know each other. Wait.....creepy twins choose to become ghouls....why in the hell....nevermind, don't care, moving on....stitches decides to attack, Kenny frees...I guess the main ghoul they wanted....so new dude attacks him because....Rize.....seriously she's still the fucking reason. Please kill Kenny. Why exactly is terrible brother reacting like he cares about his old man? Wasn't it made clear that he thinks his dad was a fool? Kenny, no one ever protected anyone by joining a murder cult...that's just stupid. HH: Nothing much happened, but that's to be expected. glad the boys hard work paid off and onto Greed Island. L3: Lupin's finally getting that divorce! Where did the zombies come from? Rebecca doesn't want to divorce you Lupin. Between Rebecca and Fujiko, Lupin sure knows how to choose them It's a movie, and Lupin's not happy. Awe....see you really loves you and protects you, as long as she gets what she wants wink Lupin's never getting that divorce
  3. I don't understand why everyone claims James was such an asshole. He readily befriended Sirius, even though the latter came from a long line of Slytherins and fully expected to join Slytherin at their first meeting. We only see him from memories and the only person of note he was an asshole to was Snape., a boy from Slytherin, who was friends with his crush, and from Lily's own words Snape's greatest ambition is to become a Death Eater...Snape doesn't even deny it. Plus, nobody seems to account for the war going on when they were at Hogwarts. When Dumbledore drops Harry off at the Dursely's he states that everyone is celebrating because there has been little to celebrate for 14 years. The first war with Voldy lasted at least 14 years, making James 6 when Voldy rose to power. Everything that happened at Hogwarts when James, Lily, Snape, and company happened while a war waged and James hating, even "bullying" those within the school that wanted to join Voldy makes sense. James ends up being an asshole because he hated the "nazis."
  4. Everyone know Satan planted those "dinosaur" bones as a means to lead humanity away from God and toward his own religion....Science. A false idol that has led to many of God's children away from the righteous path and toward the gates of hell.
  5. AoT: Why would you ask, of course Eren is going to give you problems. It's his whole character. More flashbacks, but I don't mind these ones. It's nice to see the other characters before they joined the army. Poor Ymir, blaming herself for everyone else being shitty. Have they mentioned this king before or was that just the random bullshit of religious zealots? If titans were in our world they would be experimented on for their anti-aging properties because damn Ymir looks good for being over 60. I want to know why Chrystal/Historia is so special, not to Ymir...I know that, but to everyone else. It was nice seeing adults adulting...if not for them the kids would have just let them get away. TG: So, Kenny (I can't remember how to spell his name, so I'm just giving nicknames to everyone from now on) isn't a whiny, useless, waste of space anymore. Now he's....brooding? Eh, I'll take it. Step up and all that. Why would you design armor that eats you? That doesn't make sense. Now the enemy just needs to wait for you to die. The child made it and that makes me happy. HH: That wasn't a bad plan. Good on Gon and Killua picking it up so fast and trying to stall. Kurapika needs to work on not losing his cool, he gives to much away. I love Melody. Why did Pako have to be singled out first. L3: Lupin's never going to get his divorce > This was a really risky plan, any number of things could have gone wrong. Jin is a good friend, it's not everyone who would be tortured just so his friend could impress a girl.
  6. I don't think of Rize as the great protector...more like other ghouls would want to steer clear of her. From the bits and pieces given about her, I got the impression of her wanting to keep others off her lawn and she would kill anyone who entered her hunting grounds. AoT: And Eren is gone. Lots of flashbacks. They seem to really hate that food. Finally they get the horses and they're off. Eren wakes armless but it looks like Ymir's limbs are growing back so yay! guess he'll get them back soon. TG: Why would you take a child to a blood bath? I don't believe any hooded janitors are going to save you Kaneki. It's just more torture giving you false hope. HH: Hisoka...I enjoy you. Poor Kill, he tried. And now we know how the chains work. L3: That was fun. I hope we see more of Rebecca.
  7. It might have been this ep. I'm still watching it, instead of using it for background noise like gundam, and there are eps I like. I just don't get why the hell Rize's death is such a secret. Maybe in the beginning but now we have a government agency ramping up it's efforts to kill all ghouls, a bunch of ghouls killing each other, Zone 11 basicly becoming a war zone and probably bleeding into all other areas...but we better not tell anyone Rize's dead....because....even though these new ghouls have no interest in recruiting any of the mains, will most likely try to kill them all...but if they know Rize's dead they'll what?...kill them faster? The idea that other ghouls might stay away, and keep district 20 relatively safe with the threat of Rize goes right out the window when a war is starting. Plus the wanton violence was stupid. I get it. He's a "bad" ghoul. Other ghouls are afraid of him. He likes hurting others. Double chin is into that and I agree save it for later. I'd watch that. For me this ep just felt like if was trying to hard. Hopefully the next one is better.
  8. AoT: The flashback was the best part. Forgot how much I liked Annie. At least they figured out how to get around the armor. TG: This show just seems to get worse every ep. Please don't let the child help, she's been through enough. HH: I feel bad for Kirapika. His lifes mission gone and he didn't get to exact his revenge. Of course leader dude stole the fortune telling power. Nice of Hisoka fulfilling his end of the bargin. Now Kirapika has a reason to live again. Looks like Hisoka might be in a little trouble. MSGU: A recap of the series that I didn't pay attention too. It's only a 100 hundred secs...if I hold on I might be able to watch.....fuck it. I have no idea what happened and I'm sure I can live with that.
  9. Read first four chaps of XvAvP and still enjoying it. It passes the time and made me smile a few times. Just one complaint......where the hell is Gambit?! Needs more Gambit
  10. Had this one for about 5 months
  11. I was hoping there was a thread like this here. And I remember some of you! I'll have to remember come back and post after showings.
  12. I'm not surprised noone recognizes me. I rarely posted in babbling, just lurked often. I mainly posted in the DN folder, Creative Works, and occasionally AD. I kinda figured there was a prequel of sorts, but I already started that one and didn't really feel like looking for the first story. Maybe I'll put this one on pause and read that one first.
  13. So, read the first seven chapters of the Sponges Drags the X-Men into Jurassic World story and I must say I am enjoying it. Plan on reading the rest soon. I give it 8/10
  14. That's pretty much how I found this place. I don't even remember the last time I visited the as boards, but got bored one day, went to check, found them gone, did a search, reddit thread, etc. and here I am.
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