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Everything posted by inuyashaboy05

  3. Omg he came back for this video!!!!
  4. I always believed it was superior to AIM
  5. You've never scared me....you've done other things to me, but never scared me
  6. That's what you focus on? Not that fact the Rouge has boobies, that I look normal or that Xanatos wants to lick them?
  7. Have you seen us together? We have pictures somewhere....it's like hyperactivity on steroids. Worse when we included Xanatos. Those were good days.....I really miss them....
  8. Well I fully intend to once again live here so.....where's my couch? Also, do we still do YIM and all that or am I living in the wrong decade?
  9. TRUTH!!! Sango was always my favorite anyway
  10. You saw it coming? I didn't. Not with kids.
  11. Thank you. It's been rough. She's perfectly fine and I'm like....ugh
  12. Hi everyone. Some of you don't know me...that's fine, ignore this. For those of you who do know me...even if you hate me, I'd appreciate some kind words. Kikyo and I are getting a divorce. She found she liked Koga more than me.....So I'm done fighting and trying to make it work. 13 years eh? What a waste. My kiddos are staying with me....though that's even more challenging since they both have autism. But I love them and I'll figure out how to make it work. Last night I was alone, thinking, I haven't felt this bad since they shut down the ASMB.....It's like....I can't talk to anyone, and no one wants to talk to me either. Hope you all have a good day. And this time, no....ppl don't think im u.
  13. do you still accept hugs? It's been a while....
  14. ppl think im u
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