You recall I ditched this place to go to some members' own Toonami server on Discord. The reason I'm here is that, for the first time ever, Discord servers are all offline during the block. So ...
So not only is Toonami airing a MOVIE, but a ... LIVE-ACTION movie!??! 😮 Okay.
Also NO WAY I'm gonna stay up until 4:30 AM to just watch new episodes!!!
I saw a anituber rant for 25 minutes about Netflix's release schedule of Jojo. Apparently he thinks this shows Netflix's "experiment" with the weekly episode release for anime is "over" and this is proof, because he CLEARLY been to ever single Netflix internal meeting that he has access to.
Also he mentioned something called "Jojo Fridays", which I have never heard of before. I guess all the previous Jojo anime seasons have premiered in Japan on Fridays. Huh.
You know me. I thought the fall festival was the most uplifting arc, and was needed after a serious, heavy action arc. Hell, the two antagonists were clearly supposed to be at least a bit funny, but even they were gripping too.