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Everything posted by 1938_Packard

  1. 'Tis the season for sleeping with all the windows open.
  2. F Train to Flushing. Less crowded, more stores, no waiting for restaurant seats.
  3. Do you do most of your own repairs?
  4. So, Trump is trying to kick ass. Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul has publicly stated that he wants to see some hard evidence that Assad had anything to do with the serin gas attack in Syria. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-06/ron-paul-zero-chance-assad-behind-chemical-weapons-attack-syria-likely-false-flag -.0 Come to think of it, the evidence should be made public... if any.
  5. So, what happens after I say that Neither Dan nor I own the house? See... whatever you manage to find on the web is always going to have contradictory information along with it. The internet is not a research tool, nor is it an educational tool. It's entertainment, like television. You really have nothing more than your very own five senses to tell you what is going on. Case in point: The house really belongs to somebody named Dougherty. http://www.njtaxrecords.net/r/4815-hawthorne-lane-hamilton-atlantic-county-nj-property-tax-record-105907 Again, who am I? Do I have a house and mortgage in my name or am I too stupid and destitute to pull that off? Do I live in Philly or do I live in California? The internet isn't helping you.
  6. Problem: The house in question doesn't belong to me. It belongs to Dan. You said so yourself. Dan's out there, I'm here.
  7. Okay, so I'm either Dan the home owner or I'm a janitor who you insist is too stupid or destitute to own house. You can't pick both anymore.
  8. Gittin' cloose ta dat tahm agin.
  9. Okay, so... how do you explain Dan living in Hamilton Township? The proof has been posted. Scroll up.
  10. Yeah... the sad reality is that when you went searching for my name, all you could get is a guy who lives in Hamilton Township. I've posted the proof. Scroll up.
  11. Actually, the rifle item isn't quite as important is the proof I posted about Dan residing someplace else. Scroll up. Two addresses, not the same person.
  12. Welll. now the proof is posted. Dan lives there, I live here... not the same person.
  13. You're contradicting yourself. In another time, you adamantly insisted the I'd never done anything with fire arms. Anyway, I've already posted the proof that Dan doesn't live in this town and is therefore not me.
  14. Just Google the name and add "Block 1132.04, Lot 210 in Hamilton Twp" in the search bar. An address and property description will come up with the name as the owner. AND he lives there. I'm not in Hamilton Township.
  15. I live in one town, Dan lives in another. Those are facts. There's nothing to invest.
  16. AAAAAAANNNNNDD.... WHY doesn't the LOCATION match up?
  17. I NEVER admitted that.
  18. Trying at what? Why don't you just admit you have the wrong guy? You don't even have the right address on either me or him.
  19. Hey... For your big, fat information the op complaint is that Cracker Jack isn't any of what it used to be.
  20. It's a sloppy, half assed job looking for me when the location doesn't check out. If you or anybody else want to say that FB belongs to me, you have to put up better proof than what you have been posting. Like maybe find somebody who at least lives in this town. I'm not talking about tired, outdated or crossed information from one of the phony locator sites, I mean a legitimate source.
  21. And, how does the rat tail indicate where he lives?
  22. You're looking at a totally different guy. I live in AC and he lives in Hamilton Township. Just google the name and add, Hamilton Township.
  23. Out of the whole package, I only found five peanuts.
  24. He doesn't even live in the same town as I do.
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