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Everything posted by 1938_Packard

  1. Not crunchy enough. How about a toilet in a trash compactor?
  2. I believe that's pronounced, "hair piece".
  3. Maybe they're not obsessed - they have other stuff to think about.
  4. Bustello gives you a jet pack.
  5. I'll go to the Boardwalk and watch elderly couples get into loud, obnoxious arguments over petty shit.
  6. Somebody worked at this company for twelve years. He resigned in January, 2016, saying that he was moving to a bigger and better job in New York. According to his online resume, he's been fired from three different jobs since then. He should have stayed here.
  7. 1938_Packard


    Something fishy about those Village People
  8. https://m.facebook.com/turningpointusa/photos/a.376802782368444.77256.376776419037747/1208016655913715/?type=3&source=48
  9. Ned's Newt :beer:
  10. Lift, haul and dump. Scrubbing is somebody else' job.
  11. I had already known that such a voucher program existed, I just didn't know where to find it. A social worker from Jewish Family Services found it for him. There's a give away program for every situation.
  12. Look, watch and know. It was that easy.
  13. He didn't even have a bed when he signed the lease. The government gave him a five hundred dollar voucher for furniture.
  14. That's part of what antiperspirants are for. Of course, staying out of the rain helps too.
  15. By now, you probably know about the fun part. Buying cookware and china, buying sheets, blankets, tools, furniture, lamps and so many other things . Necessity never gets the best price.
  16. How serious was the crime?
  17. Nah, It just means that staying up all night isn't as much fun as it used to be.
  18. Really, now?
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