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Everything posted by tatsuya_suou_sa

  1. I was thinking about how awesome it would be to get cybernetic implants like switching out my eyes for something with like night vision and enhanced zoom.
  2. I have seen the anime, including Innocence and Gits SAC. I think instead of watching the movie I will read the manga it is based on. Seems like a win-win to me.
  3. 18 seems like a long time ago lol. My mind works differently now that I am "grown up". Heck the things kids say these days have me waving my imaginary cane around -_'
  4. Just weather PMS season actually
  5. Taking a page from Bethesda's playbook I see. I will reserve judgement for myself on this GITS project but I won't be surprised if it isn't the most well received movie this year.
  6. I mean really just "the moon"?. Jupiter gets Callisto and Europa. Mars gets Phobos and Deimos. I think we should have a reality show or contest and give "the moon" a real name.
  7. Damn 3 month old gags herself with her own damn fingers. Its to early to be a bulimic. Time to inspect the spice cabinet.......
  8. That is a good point. Some people say without the 10 commandments we would have descended into savagery. I don't personally believe that and even without religion we would innately have an idea of right and wrong. Such as your daughter, even without knowing about life and death she understood the consequences of taking a life, even if it was just a rolly pollie.
  9. Not that I have anything personally against religion (I'm a lapse catholic at best) I wonder if the world would have been better off without it. Some say we get our morale compass from it. Of course we all see how religion can be twisted to cause death and destruction ( Jihad, Spanish Inquisition, The Crusades). So do ya'll think we would be better with or without it? Do you picture a peaceful world without religious wars or a purge like society that fears no death and thus no consequences?
  10. 82 degrees and sunny. Texas forgot winter existed this season.
  11. Your sure you don't mean dextrocardic? In case ya'll don't know: What Is Dextrocardia? Dextrocardia is a rare heart condition in which your heart points toward the right side of your chest instead of the left side. Dextrocardia is congenital, which means people are born with this abnormality. Less than 1 percent of the general population is born with dextrocardia.
  12. Definitely would be a big contender to dethrone Evangelion. I love Eva but a Xenogears anime would be interesting.
  13. Mazda 3. I drive a 2014 model
  14. I applier root stimulator to my new plants and crepe myrtle. It was quite enjoyable.
  15. would be so awesome! I wish Square would just do it and while at it complete the story bits left out of disc 2. One can dream.
  16. Glad you found something. What kinda job did you end up getting?
  17. Still got my DVD set so I will probably stick with that. I may wait for it to get cheaper on Amazon before I eventually upgrade. 74.99 is to pricey for me at this time.
  18. Haha yeah that is pretty interesting. But what you said makes sense. I have 2 friends in HR and I always wondered about their interviews but I suppose they wouldn't be to different from any other. Its how you present yourself, your story and why are you interested in this position. In my job they have us do panel interviews so sometimes I am part of the interview process. I kinda don't like doing it but sometimes I get "volun-told" to be part of it. I think I am a pretty laid back guy and as long as your qualified and have a good attitude then its all good to me. I find those pre-interveiw screeners (where you answer 100 questions with answers "do you agree", "somewhat agree" and "disagree") as kinda pointless cause one can put whatever they want. Talking to people is when you learn alot about them.
  19. Loosely related I think. Certain themes and objects carry over. It would be awesome if they remade Xenogears. I still have the original discs and case at home. One day I will replay it because it had a good story. The original Xenogears was Episode 5 of an entire series that was never completed.
  20. Its kinda odd maybe and I'm not sure if I am the only one that does it but since I have played alot of exploration open world games I typically use that kind of music for my running music. I typically listen to Elder Scrolls soundtracks or Fallout Soundtracks. And when it is night I play the night versions of those songs (like Final Fantasy 14 night themes, Elder Scroll night exploration or Xenoblade night themes). Kinda makes me feel like I'm exploring my boring real world while running.
  21. Off topic: I have always wondered how HR people interview other HR people? I mean ya'll went to the same type of program and know the same tricks and things to look for. I just have always wondered that .
  22. Tough spot. Just do what Lacks said and if it still comes up probably being honest is best. You don't have to be 100% honest I suppose. I mean in the end we are not all perfect. You may have to apply to multiple places. Eventually one will bite. Don't apply to your #1 place, kinda get yourself out there and apply at many places.
  23. If your in college you can say you took a break to further your studies?? I suppose if its a really big gap like years that might pose a problem though if your not in college.
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