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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. Yeah with him being on the receiving end
  2. **sigh** That damn Miku
  3. Wait we're talking about Phillies are we?
  4. I'm just picky that's all
  5. What kind?
  6. Kudasai


    Waffles FTW
  7. Sorry but those pics are for my own personal use
  8. Still trying to figure out how to pursue this without making things awkward at work
  9. Talk is cheap, prove it
  10. I needed a cold shower
  11. I got this 8)
  12. Isn't that too forward?
  13. Damm straight
  14. If I told you I'd have to kill you
  15. The co-worker you're crushing on comes to work wearing yoga pants
  16. tl;dr -1
  17. Better hope it's not you
  18. If I end up getting paired with a dude let it be known that I will be the alpha in union
  19. I do what I want
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