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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. god i feel like such a terrible person. i beat this game on the best ending (the one i wanted) and now i'm going on cycle 2 and i'm going the evil ending and oh my god i feel like such a terrible person. even though it was a video game i feel so bad for the friends in the game like "i really don't want to do this "
  2. Bojangles is better. FITE ME NERDS
  3. who?
  4. how would i even do that
  5. who?
  6. jesus is dead, RIP
  7. who are you?
  8. i can't fap with that racket going on
  9. Gays in anime: 1. George W Bush 2. roxas 3. kidney
  10. it'll make jesus cry
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