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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. you're not missing much. it was dumb from what i remember
  2. i only watched one episode of that show and i didn't care for it
  3. what's that? you bump Ke$ha too?
  4. thatworks.jpg
  5. let it be known that StarPanda bumps Barbie Girl too
  6. get naked
  7. you bump Kenny G?
  8. well now you have
  9. this is the kind of music Viper listens to. 80's yacht rock
  10. wow, gay
  11. thats not real money
  12. money?
  13. now give me the money
  14. uh no. also i'm already here
  15. save meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  16. i'm here now uggggggggggggh
  17. i can only afford one single noodle this year. it's my present to myself
  18. that i'm not completely broke yet. ramen train here i come
  19. can you call and tell them you died in a freak accident involving boobs
  20. want to go on a 5 hour ride with me
  21. don't have a choice. it's either that or i hear about it until i'm dead
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