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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. you wish you had soft hands like mine
  2. more like GAYjillion. get it? cause this forum is gay
  3. already did
  5. to use the word license do i also need a license? knowing them, i answered my own question
  6. but dealing with Oracle is great...shit now i have to license my post
  7. then ok, it migrated to Maria at a later point, probably after Sun bought out MySQL and Oracle bought out Sun, which is fine. big data wasn't really a thing until like 2012 anyway
  8. i know what MariaDB is. the MariaDB project didn't come around until 2009. unless this place is old enough to have started on actual MySQL and then moved over to Maria in which case ok
  9. b..but MariaDB first came out in 2009 and Hadoop was 2006....either way doesn't really matter it is what it is
  10. MariaDB? why is this using a RDBMS? this could probably just run on Hadoop or something
  11. unless you're using a certain DB platform, i'm not sure how much i could help
  12. i'm not going to a third forum. if this thing falls through that's it
  13. i miss proboards
  14. you don't make, maybe it doesn't like its family member. i'm at the final dungeon in SMT 4 final and i have to get to level 99 otherwise i'm going to get roflstomped
  15. or using negotiate and it going "oh that's my clone take care" and then it fades away when you don't feel like fighting
  16. lol bye *fades away with all your shit*
  17. sometimes when i click a subforum it works and othertimes it just spins and gives me a 500 error
  18. listen if you want me to become your demon i need a life stone
  19. pssst gimme a life stone
  20. come join me in the land of SMT games.
  21. i already have the golden edition
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