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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. we'll see what happens. i already know the outcome of this, but it's obvious that i can't really stop it from happening so i'll let it play out and somehow be disappointed
  2. how do you even pronounce vibrissae
  3. i was in a long distance relationship once. to say it didn't work out would be a gross understatement
  4. mex mentioned she couldn't see my posts. i will say viperslayer is a babby all day. dale with it, nerd
  5. only if you get out of Phillies's basement
  6. i have enough intelligence to know what's going on around me, but not the will to stop it from happening
  7. to be fair, only some of those were because i'm a whack job. the other ones the girl was just not my type
  8. you have the right to remain paranoid
  9. now i can actually get off of my bed when i type and stop hurting my shoulders
  10. historically, it has been for me
  11. take a look at the name i posted under earlier in the thread. i set my name to a really really long string
  12. just finished it and first i have to say UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH WHY IS THIS SHOW SO GOOD. goddamn it, shit like this should be illegal. secondly what the fuck was with the ending. you can't just leave us like that
  13. funny, i texted my dad yesterday saying i thought she had died years ago
  14. and it kills me too. it's like YES I KNOW I'M PROBABLY ONLY A FRIEND TO YOU, STOP SALTING THE WOUND.
  15. do you really think i care if you believe me or not at this point in the life of the boards?
  16. i didn't spell it wrong http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/how-is-babby-formed
  17. hey, only i can be mean
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