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Everything posted by Em7add4

  1. It certainly could be faster. Oh well. Knowing I will soon see Victor's face comforts me V_V
  2. Em7add4

    be me

    Why would you report yourself?
  3. Fullcookiecock?
  4. I'm not gay! I'm just hungry For some emptycookiecock blink
  5. Em7add4

    be me

    You probably shouldn't. I wouldn't wanna be me, that's for sure. *shudders*
  6. Starbucks scares the shit out of me. i've been there like three times before and each time was more awkward than the last
  7. I'd love to give a fuck if you're taking one Wink
  8. Em7add4

    be me

    But I like being me
  9. because Victor's face pops up every time I do. ......Christ he's cute >_> Oh and all you lovely people. Mostly Victor
  10. Em7add4

    I've got

    when the weather is hot
  11. Em7add4

    I've got

    I could go for a bagel >_>
  12. Em7add4

    I've got

  13. Em7add4

    I've got

    women I've got women on my mind *whistles
  14. yoi is fantastic lolz: decent story, realistic gays who are subtle, cute premise, and they're super fucking cute. Cute alone, adorable together, it's just a great time If it makes you feel better, I'm a huge fan of SU lolz
  15. BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH may the best boy win or something ;D
  16. Em7add4


    YOU'RE MY SHADOW??? Poor you
  17. Oi, Rogue Have I told you to shut the fuck up lately?
  18. You're.... You're not wrong >_>"
  19. Em7add4


    I will not insulate your tolerance
  20. Em7add4


  21. Em7add4


    This is my main now BWUAHAHAHAHA ........I always wished I came up with this before DarbyBoy number1animefan was made when I was 11 so that doesn't count >_>"
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