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Everything posted by Derackthehunter

  1. Well I'll be the son of a bitch. Don't know why it wasn't working before. Well as a man of my word you both have my thanks.
  2. See I've done that and nothing was happing. I'll give it another go.
  3. Make it so when I click a thread it goes to the most recent message I haven't read yet. Do that and you'll get my thanks.
  4. I don't believe that was how it came across, not to me anyway.
  5. My nagging urge to be right won't allow it.
  6. I don't think it works that way.
  7. Now that's education that works.
  8. This just adds realism to the other thread.
  9. From yourself, God or the devil? Or that neighbor nextdoor who claims he's Into "stargazing" like we're some kind of fool
  10. Why not both as in being cold and dripping water?
  11. See you made no mention of other people being around. I assumed you were running because you were cold and dripping water.
  12. Maybe try walking instead of running. Don't want to slip and fall.
  13. Is it really though?
  14. I think your time would be better spent on Craigslist
  15. I don't know but we leave at daybreak.
  16. You know I'm actually surprised that you of all people would do that.
  17. It just hangs a dark cloud over the whole season. For every moment of joy you think of it's followed by a moment of loss.
  18. I know that feeling all to well. Makes you want to avoid everything all together.
  19. That sucks. My year (dragon) was terrible.
  20. Because of the heat? I love summer.
  21. Yeah that's happened like 3 times over the last 5 years. Sometimes people think they are the decorations of the legs that people put in the snow.
  22. I've seen some stories where they got trapped under snow a plow was moving and they aren't found till it melts.
  23. I've never heard of that, but it sounds like it's pretty serious. I hope you can get it confirmed soon so you can get the treatment you need.
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