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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. I had to take out the trash
  2. I wish Plok had gotten an SNES sequel
  3. Sirloin burgers and fries
  4. As soon as I get home I'll be frying some pork chops
  5. It just feels like the only thing I can do at this point is to just laugh
  6. Just thought of a couple of tv shows, Batman (66) and the Super Friends
  7. The writers of the of Super Friends must have really hated the Green Lantern because it always seems that he was constantly getting owned by Sinestro. I noticed this back then this show on CN and after spending the day binge watching episodes it's more obvious now, Even in the intro Sinestro is lighting GL's ass up
  8. NY strip steaks, rice and mashed potatoes
  9. I've been playing Kirby's Adventure on NES a lot lately. No matter how many times I've beaten this game I just get the urge to play it again and again
  10. Tonight I'll be cooking some lemon pepper party wings, was going to do them a couple days ago but I was too tired and opted for baked potatoes instead so I'll be baking them tonight
  11. Oh the irony, the same person that you were talking shit about ended up being the one person that stood up for you when a nut job customer put hands on you
  12. Savage outlaw in the stone age...sounds about right
  13. I'm so fucking tired of always being expected to drop everything I'm doing to come into work to cover for somebody
  14. I have just about everything by them
  15. Making tacos right now
  16. 80s Jethro Tull albums
  17. Honestly I've gotten more nosebleeds as an adult than I did when I was a kid
  18. The second time this week I've gotten a random nosebleed, wtf is going on?
  19. Burgers last night and tonight will making lemon pepper party wings
  20. If my superpower was to be able to mute people then I will be shouting that at someone who just doesn't know when to shut the hell up
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