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Everything posted by Bookend47

  1. Looking forward to watching this since I mostly forgot what happened in the beginning.
  2. Most of my anxiety came from what Demarco said on the HxH preflight, if the audience doesn't like it then it won't run for 148 eps. I thought that it was a realistic possibility, why would they keep a deadweight show for 3 years in a 12:30-1:30 slot? But now that you brought it up I've realized that this kind of thinking is pretty nonsensical, if it seems like the audience still comes for OP then what's the worry? Yeah, you're right. I always did, but it's ultimately the best show to hold down a 2:30 slot, it doesn't have to be swapped out and pulls decent enough ratings to not worry about it, so I was wrong there. I had the idea crossed my mind a few times but I can't help imagining the worst so that certainly takes away some of the unease.
  3. Yeah, I wouldn't go that far but does anyone else think that's kinda fucked up? I worried about it before when it was pushed back further and further down but One Piece has definitely built up a faithful audience over the years on Toonami and isn't going anywhere now. It's just that why did I have to worry about eps of HxH and now Jojo ceased being ordered over OP when both shows are doing better than it does currently? I don’t want to accuse Demarco and the crew of being biased or say One Piece is a problem when it isn't, I just thought the logic of that was kinda screwy.
  4. Most of those memes originate from parts beyond this season and I can imagine most people being put off because they didn't see a certain "thing". I wouldn't write off Jojo as a failure yet, there's still 16 eps left. It won't have a Kai type ratings comeback but the ratings for that double Jojo night inspired some hope in me. I also wouldn't mind if they cut Shippuden but understand why they keep it around, what really bugs me is OP even though I like the show. Mostly because of how no matter how bad its ratings can get it's still the only show on the block with complete immunity from cancelation.
  5. Ushio to Tora! (In my dreams) Attack on Titan or Tokyo Ghoul
  6. Hope so but it seemed like it was a given. If they do though it's certainly going to be packed and full of great clips from each show. Interestingly this new promo reminded me so much of the Lucky 7 one.
  7. Where are the receipts for that?
  8. I think that what we should take away from all this is that IBO deserves an apology, in retrospect its drops were blown way out of proportions.
  9. Seems like they were between a rock and a hard place with another Gundam series after Ibo so keeping Jojo at 12:30 makes sense and I don't think they have anywhere to move it down to. Personally I'll be fine if Jojo doesn't click, its future could go either way for me. While I know Part 2 is going to be incredible and fun, on the other hand, if it underperforms and Demarco keeps his word with taking a break before part 3 then at this clears up space for shorter series.
  10. Shouldn't have said the any given year part but you got me. A bit unfair to have Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, a great Gundam show, and Yu Yu Hakusho all in one promo, it's impossible to find a post-cut Toonami lineup that can match that. Like it doesn't even exist, also I thought you were referring solely to the 2011-2012 ASA but I'll take this lost.
  11. Well the shows were darker, which therefore meant they were more interesting and more enjoyable to watch weekly. But any given year of revived Toonami curb-stomps any year of ASA in terms of quality and variety.
  12. Yeah, watching One Piece weekly is torturous after Thiller Bark is over, and the anime as a whole becomes pretty meh after a certain point compared to the manga. Reading the manga is the best alternative and you'll have at 400 chapters at least if you start at the exact chapter Toonami stopped last week at, 849 and counting if you read from the beginning. Since I'm not anime-only I can't really relate with the spoilers but I can see from current anime promotional stuff like the mobile game and Film Gold how unfair that is for AOs. I read the manga weekly and personally I think it's easy to avoid getting spoiled but that's just me.
  13. Eh, it's fine. You held out longer than most, no reason to continue dealing with things that bring negativity.
  14. Do whatever makes you happy.
  15. This thread is going NUCLEAR. The works of based Eyepatch Wolf doesn't deserve this shit.
  16. This is a smart safe choice. Certainly not Durarara!!! but I find this to be exactly as unexpected.
  17. My exact opinion on some of the opinions here and elsewhere on the internet. I can tell when someone is clearly trolling or really opinionated but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt anyways and get the point across that I personally think their ideas are stupid.
  18. Implying that the taste of ASA viewers weren't equally shitty considering they allowed Durarara!!! to bomb super hard. If that show aired on Toonami alongside Casshern and DMW in 2012 it would have been a huge success and become a block staple so this discussion could go both ways.
  19. I liked this ep very much, this is where the show picks itself up and figured out what to do with the plot and the last 4 eps of this arc are high-quality. Also dead thread= No more shitposting or unnecessary political discussion, excellent.
  20. People weren't kidding when they said individual parts feel like completely different shows. I really liked Part 1 overall and somehow the first ep of Part 2 felt like a upshot in quality, the most fun I have had with a show on the block recently, since TCWCLV. This being a glimpse of what's in store for Toonami in 2017 I find really promising, hopefully the general audience enjoyed it just as much.
  21. A unusual but suitable alternative.
  22. I should specify that I understand the vibe of it feeling like the early magic of Toonami is a bit absent with all these really popular shows. I was just pointing out the similarity when comparing the first 4 hours of the past and present Toonami, which I'm sure others have pointed out before.
  23. Do you guys think that people are just being nostalgic when saying things like that? Of course NuToonami didn't come into its own until 2014 starting with Space Dandy but I think that the block today isn't different from the one in 2013. There were, at least before Jojo and the DBZrama, the same number of long-runners, two short shows and a lot of reruns, which got cut down to one now. Sure there was definitely much more variety which made the block fresh every week but as the newness worn off and the block got cut fans probably don't see that it's still the same Toonami. Adding two more long-runners to Toonami in 2016 was a experiment that didn't work out as well as having mostly short semi-popular shows in 2015 and it was worrying at the time HxH was added but on the brightside ratings haven't regressed to when Toonami first restarted.
  24. True, but at this point the show is far more tamer than other shonen, even One Piece had gallons of blood shown by the current amount of eps HxH is at now.
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