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Order of the Loch
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Everything posted by CartoonPlanet

  1. Lmao me neither
  2. **YIM giggle**
  3. Fixation
  4. I guess I'm more confused than what I thought I was.
  5. I don't know either. Sorry for bothering you. But yeah same. We're all just killing time.
  6. True
  7. But yeah like I said before, sorry for everything.
  8. Understood.
  9. If this is about politics, which I'm pretty sure it is. Yes, I'm independent. I voted for neither because I'm tired of all the toxic drama going around the world. But I'm probably gonna get trolled for that statement. I always do. So go ahead.
  10. I'm always on bullshit. Might as well be my middle name.
  11. You're right. It is. I'm pretty much brain dead at this point. Idk what I'm doing.
  12. I would find some way to do a "crystal methamphetamine drug addiction that I had in New Mexico 6-7 years ago" reference but I'm too tired.
  13. They were never a felon. They did a day and a half in county jail back in 2012. Their record is clean to this day. They aren't on house arrest either.
  14. Inspiration
  15. Even when they quit everything except for marijuana a long time ago?
  16. Illumination
  17. Makeup
  18. I'm not sure but if you're robbing him it's all good
  19. Scene
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