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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. JeNewBee


  2. JeNewBee


  3. JeNewBee


  4. I still think of their imaginary family and imaginary pain I must of caused them
  5. Yeah I usually knew their powers What powers did you come up with?
  6. That's it? Man must of been a boring kid
  7. Why isn't there a delete button Sorry fudge replied to the wrong post
  8. And you spend your whole day killing imaginary monsters After you finish the last blow to the last enemy You look into the mirror and see who the real monster was
  9. Yeah that chill down the spine follow by a rush of energy
  10. Unemployment yeah it ran out
  11. I didn't chuck anything and that wasn't even my last job I had a sinus infection and wanted to go back to crew carrier Cause the fire from the agitating them further. Yelled at her in front of a sponsor got kicked out of the California Conservation Corp.
  12. Layoff but since February They couldn't even think of a reason for letting us go
  13. I never threw a bottle of water
  14. And by funny I mean soul crushing
  15. Life is something, Death is the absence of something Death is nothing
  16. No more metaphoric
  17. Nothing Absolutely nothing
  18. JeNewBee

    Hey yo

    What up?
  19. Your breweries must such ours are good
  20. Yep he's also with jkr
  21. Now you have reason to Also you can see what Docto has been up to
  22. Yeah You can see them on my Facebook page
  23. It's beautiful Drove in some pretty heavy rain Drive was about an hour and a half
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