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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  2. the only pics i have are of me
  3. being woken up by dreams of not doing your homework
  4. there's no hope. abandon ship
  5. she needs me
  6. will i finally escape tfw no qt3.14 gf. stay tuned cause probably not.
  7. just give me the money and ill give you a massage.
  8. hot chocolate is ultimately better when i wake up at 6 am
  9. literally took 3 fucking tries to get them to do anything, rofl how did i not end up dying or crashing or something what the fuck.
  10. mexican soap operas and toonami. not much has changed except toonami is neigh unwatchable now.
  11. u pulling my plonker now aurn't u oim jawst amayzed u've never cookt a mussle befoare
  12. what kind of number?
  13. im always suprised how she's managed to stay somewhat famous when i literally don't remember seeing her in any movie after the matrix.
  14. well. thanks i guess.
  15. scenes from where
  16. the one that'll fuck your man, make him cum, and leave it in a wine glass on the nightstand on your side of the bed. drink it, bitch. drink it all up. take small sips though, we dont want you to choke on it like I choked on your mans dick a few hours earlier. oh, you're mad? too bad. I'm mad too, but only because you weren't there to watch me ride your mans dick into the fucking sunset. silly bitch. dont fuck with me. or I'll fuck with you. by fucking your man. again. dueces.
  17. i'm trying to jump off that train. all the spamming about her is getting creepy and stalkerish.
  18. i was real comfortable in my bed and i had to take a fucking shower cause of this shit and now i cant sleep, oh well, thanks barack.
  19. stop spreading it again pls.
  20. It’s Jake Paul. An artist like Jake Paul only comes around once in a lifetime. Here are some reasons why. He created an iconic dance move. Remember the Jake Paul dance? It was a groundbreaking cultural phenomenon that completely changed the universe as we know it. Everyone was doing it. White dads, The President, The Pope, and even Jesus. Unprecedented. His lyrics are deep and poetic. In It's Every Day Bro, he says “it's selling like a god, church.” I looked up “God Church” on Urban Dictionary. The definition: “To be honest.... I dont fucking know. I think some stupid YouTube star named Logan or Jake Paul made a song with it in the lyrics?” I DARE you to tell me that that isn’t some of the most beautiful lyricism of all time. John Lennon can kiss my ass. He had dozens of hits. Think about all the classic songs that Jake Paul gave us over these past few decades. It's Everyday Bro, Logang Sucks, Big Poppa, Lose Yourself, Hotel California, Stairway To Heaven, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Bohemian Rhapsody, Ambitionz az a Ridah. And that’s just last year. The list goes on and on. He was the political voice of a generation.
  21. quebecelegy

    sept 26th

    holy f- if this actually goes down one of you please record this.
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