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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. i was writing and it just froze. i didn't want to turn it off because then i'd lose all of what i had just finished writing so i just waited for the battery to run out and then turn back on, because it saves my stuff anyways when it does that. except for this one time. this one time windows 10 decided not to do that. i'm about done with this shit.
  2. *i put on the mask* it does not matter who we are.
  3. i don't know but this makes me wonder if i'd want a russian gf.
  4. it's currently body temperature light fluid in my pants.
  5. ebin. simply ebin.
  6. but i have to have more than half of the blankets
  8. you know i had to do it to 'em
  9. literally have never seen a flag this big.
  10. im reasonably fit. we ottermode out here.
  11. i got this idea for a movie.... you wanna hear it? when i was in rhode island i told this girl about and she said it was good.
  12. you ever have that happen mid-fap?
  13. you're a big guy...
  15. i have this on constantly repeating from dec 1 til new years solely because of the bells. in fact i used audacity just last year to single out the bells and i just listened to that.
  16. are u trying to challenge me
  17. I've been digging into the idea of transmutation of sexual energy myself for a couple of years now. It started when I decided to take the nofap challenge, just to see what all the fuss was about. I definitely felt some magic after about 3 weeks, holy cow. It's like Reality just changed. Too many details to explain here, but internally & externally, the Universe took notice of what I was doing, and it really did feel magical. It changed things for me, as I had been a once-a-day fapper (at least) pretty much for years before that. Such a fucking waste, now that I know what I know... Anyways, from there I started learning about old Gnostic sex-energy practices, white-tantra, kundalini, etc. I'm still in the process of creating a personal technique that best suits me. I'm not using traditional magic/occult practices, I'm coming at this purely as an unaffiliated Hermeticist. But I have discovered some interesting things that happen to my mind & consciousness when I do this basic technique: First, I 'stoke the flame' (conjure sexually arousing thoughts that stir the warm, sparkly energy in my lower regions), then mentally pull that energy up my spine into my brain (slowly, in a spiraling twisting manner), at the same time I change my mental stream from sex, to a preset thought-stream revolving around some form of creativity (my thinking is that sex energy at it's heart is the very essence of Creativity & so I use that energy for other forms of creativity, to unlock creative-genius level thinking, artistic inspiration, novel-idea generation, creative solutions, etc). I find it is surprisingly powerful in adding very creative insights to whatever issue I mentally bring forth. It takes some real mental discipline though to take full advantage, & I'm not 100% there yet. At any rate, I'm at the very beginning of this. I'm all for learning about ancient alchemical, Gnostic, Taoist, etc teachings on this subject, but my instincts tell me at the end of the day, to make my own technique. I definitely feel that sexual energy is not fully understood by most people & that it's far more powerful & useful than most people believe or realize. And yes, I have come to the belief that masturbating solely for the dopamine rush is a terrible loss of vital, powerful energy. I'm not perfect on that front, but I can go a month or two without release most of the time. And when I do succumb, I make sure to have ready-made power thoughts to charge up so as to take advantage of the jet-engine blast of energy that is one of my orgasms lol. Anyway, sorry if I'm rambling, it's late & I'm tired.. hope some of that made sense.
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