That's why the union holds the pension accounts.
While casinos are getting bought and sold like Pokemon cards, the transient ownership and management can't take a cent out of the accounts.
So, let me get this straight...
You're going to take some time out of your busy schedule to enter a casino and give everyone a lot of horses and jazz about some alleged jackass that nobody likes?
Good luck with that one.
Talk to a guy named Greg, same department. I'll know whether you were really there just by what sort of nasty things he says about you.
He hates every customer.
Direct quote from him: Hoo! Now, I'm over there! My hair is green and I'm a tree!"
That was the day a cop found him in a park with his head buried in the dirt like an ostrich.
Who WAS he?
Just some nut back in the sixties. A real party hound. He wasn't even 25 when he took a trip... and stayed.
That wasn't his real name though. Only the cops knew that.