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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. Once for Gohan. Once for Goku. Piccolo's just gotta dive in front of shit...
  2. Squashed, nothing. He should have been atomized
  3. Oh come on. He was down for the ten count. All this battle shit is overwith, Frieza. Take the L
  4. Rushing water and a song of peace and victory
  5. Ginyu squished by the ass that Vegeta would come to love so much...
  6. And Frieza himself adds the last bit of power
  7. Ah, the rest of the energy just took a while to get here
  8. It was X Drake from the Eleven Supernovas. The guy who could turn into a dinosaur. He was a Navy spy infiltrating the Barrels Pirates and probably helped orchestrate the Marines' deal with them for the Op-Op Fruit
  9. All pirates searching for the treasure One Piece must brave the second half of the Grand Line. These wild and dangerous seas are know as the New World. Gold Roger and his crew were the only men to chart these waters and learn all the secrets they held. For the rest of the pirates in the world this has proven to be the end of the road. A graveyard of dreams. Now Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body became rubber after eating the Gum Gum Fruit, set sail into the New World with his faithful crew.
  10. they really gotta stand there and watch her do that? it could take hours...
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