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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. I remember when 15 year old protagonists seemed so adult to me... Now 25 year olds feel like babies...
  2. It wasn't the Mayflower for Japan, Naruto. It was the USS Mississippi
  3. Dating older men... Not at fourteen, you don't!
  4. New anime is cool. But old anime is excellent
  5. Sasuke with the signature three-step attack
  6. Man, I remember how much this move blew me away back in the day
  7. Like you hadn't killed anyone at that age, Kakashi
  8. Take the bridge builder and run! Man Door Hand Hook Car Gun!
  9. When the Demon brothers looked like they had torn Kakashi to shreds, it made me wonder if there's ever been a story where an MC was entrusted to a mentor only to have that mentor IMMEDIATELY die, leaving the protag on their own...
  10. Sasuke about to seppuku out of panic...
  11. I always remember that Zabuza emerged right in the middle of their crappy manji formation... Fucking genin...
  12. I was reading the Manga in Monthly Shonen Jump over 20 years ago and I only got to the end of the Forest of Death. After I started college, a friend gave me a flash drive with the whole (pirated) manga all the way up to the time skip and Kakashi Gaiden and I binged it all. Twenty years...
  13. Yeah. I love double One Piece, but the rest of this arc is truly great, what with the use of the Earth Dragon Balls and all. Shame we won't see it this time around
  14. Every time someone makes an online post about "what anime moment made you cry?" I always think of the first time I saw this scene...
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