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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. no way rock has a power level above 15. how does gohan even sense something like that?
  2. ask her if she can smell what the rock is cooking
  3. One Piece is very humorous, but I really want more toonami promos to showcase its awesome action, like this panther one did.
  4. remember gohan, um, flying and getting beaned in the head by a fstball a couple days ago? i'd think that'd put him at the top of your suspects list
  5. "Greatest champion deez nuts!"-- Mr. Satan
  6. i'm no firefighter, but i feel like that much sudden water from above would not bode well for suh a structure already so compromised by fire
  7. "that's horrible!" "i know." great contribution, second guy....
  8. this opening song makes me laugh so much. it also sounds like the vocals are familiar. did this guy sing the opening to Hunter x Hunter or something?
  9. didn't 18's original VA sing the ending theme to Dragon Ball? it was beautiful and she has a lovely singing voice.
  10. piccolo, why do you fucking care about a photo
  11. but dosn't that ust apply to earthlings? don't the kaios all remmeber Buu? i'd figure Beerus would have the same knwledge as them, if not more
  12. Kuririn marvels over Hoi Poi Capsules ass though the HAVEN'T been around since he was a little kid.
  13. killer super android. loves bingo
  14. the story behind buu? how woul that come into play as to prevent his mention?
  15. as if frieza was the mot recent bad guy...
  16. after watching the trimmed don Kai for so long, I'm not used to episode like this that ramble on and on with filler and jokes to take up time. even the bu saga already feels like it could have used some more editing.
  17. 'cause Goku's 39 years old
  18. i'm gonna say it a hundred more times, I love little Trunks
  19. ll the music tonight is gonna be from a particular band they're promoting.
  20. this conversation is why i started caring about Unicorn. i had planned to write it off, but i'm glad i saw it through
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