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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. it's a sad bluff but it gets used a tn in shonen. instead of killing the hero, the villin is taunted into giving him time to train
  2. seriously...can these things even still be caled vampires? what the hell are these pillar men?
  3. underestimating their inherent damage does not a sympathizer make. i think i get where you're coming from and it's certainly upsetting, but that's not the same thing as agreeing with them or validating their sickness. such light treatment may be particularly harmful in our political climate, but this is from another time (yeah, i know how lame that tired argument is, but still)
  4. i haf expected videl to say "jump your son's bones" FUNimation's taking some liberties here, eh? :D
  6. yeah, i was gonna say chichi...that's PRECISELY what you did
  8. gohan's gtten so rusty. even with super saiyan, goten shouldn't be able to push him this effectively.
  9. well, cnsidering there are probably a million hatted birds and a few hundred thousand dinosaurs versus maybe nine people who can fly. i'd say people would still be pretty surprised.
  10. chichi's really mellowed out since goku died. i seem to remember in one of the filler episodes that they left out, that she gave up on making goten a scholar and just started him on martial arts training.
  11. oh, look, Kuririn has a daughter! that's a huge surprise for anyone who didn't meet her in an earlier airing episde of DB super
  12. "I can't believe he's so powerful!" "even though we told you that, like, repeatedly?" | "Beerus the Destroyer? I think I've heard of him!" "Oh, good for you, I'm sure you're very worldly and cultured. " such snark in this episode. i love it.
  13. "Oh, yeah. Let's go see Yamcha." Good Lord, the shade :D :D :D :D
  14. that shoulder move was a nice touch. to have struck significant damage with a light press rather than a sharp tap is really indicative of the power difference
  15. does that surprise you? given the chance to take it overseas and allwed more time to work, surely they'd take another crack at it. think it's the home video version this time?
  16. Goku can't be polite while using SSJ3
  17. enough incremental shit, Goku. 2 isn't working. go straight to 3 and be done with it.
  18. Hearing Goku speak like this reminds me of when he was training under Roshi as a child, during the farming and reading sessions.
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