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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Probably penguin dude and bird-ant-human guy.
  2. Oh shit, it's Netero! The guy who headed the Hunter exams!
  3. We got some cool fights last episode! Hopefully this continues!
  4. I guess so. I have no fucking clue how they're going to stretch it out when I think they've already dealt with most of the tarots already.
  5. I guess the dog is going to play an important role of some kind in the second part. ...That was the dog from the promo, right?
  6. I checked this time, and yes. Also, post credits scene...
  7. Jotaro has a soft spot. He just doesn't want to show it.
  8. Probably just a recap to show how far they've come since this series began.
  9. OH YEAH. Her teeth and face must have received the damage that the stand received.
  10. *Points to the show's title.* The show is exactly what it says on the tin.
  11. ...Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Next weekend is going to be interesting!
  12. That would actually be a nice twist. She's actually possessed like Kakyoin and Polnareff, or something. That'd be funny AF.
  13. Jojo is her type, but I don't think the feelings would be reciprocated in this situation.
  14. I was gonna' say, a lot of stuff on the sea floor is made of some kind of mineral, so it'd make sense that it could turn into something there.
  15. I think this may be the most irritating stand since that parasitic baby thing that Joseph fought some time ago.
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