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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Lmfao, that title card is just one big ass spoiler.
  2. You didn't miss anything. It was mostly dedicated to establishing Mai as a love interest.
  3. Jesus, the cringe is real.
  4. Half-assed writing.
  5. Lol, or just fucking tear it off.
  6. I just now realized how rough Trunks' future has been. It seems like his future has seen far more destruction than the regular universe.
  7. Terminator-esque flashback (flash forward?) incoming.
  8. And Bulma just isn't blinking a fucking eye at a grown man holding the hand of a 40-year old woman/child.
  9. I'm honestly surprised Beerus hasn't gone apeshit over the fact that they're still trying to go to the future.
  10. I didn't think of it that way. Makes sense.
  11. Oh yeah! I forgot about the second series for Stardust Crusaders!
  12. Black apparently doesn't know his own strength, for some reason?
  13. Everyone's mad at Goku for some reason. Beerus, now Vegeta, and apparently King Kai himself.
  14. WOW, Goku. Way to be a dick to your ally.
  15. In before it takes an extra four episodes for them to travel back in time.
  16. Speaking of Cell, I'm curious if he makes another appearance in this series. Though something tells me he doesn't.
  17. As much as I loved the Cell saga, that was a complete mindfuck as a kid. It still is when I try to wrap my brain around it.
  18. That thing looks so beat up, though...
  19. This week seemed to fly by for me. It's Saturday night again.
  20. Yeah, all of this is true for the symbiote now. Before bonding with Eddie Brock again, it often had talks about morality with its previous host, Lee Price. It wanted Lee to use its own powers for good, but he didn't listen.
  21. That guy is a piece of shit. I guess we're getting closer to finding out what the Galactic Layline is. Only five episodes left now.
  22. Sounds like there's a prison break next episode.
  23. Harry McDougal is dead. Now his brother is going to develop a grudge against the crew of the Outlaw Star.
  24. Lol, the temple is taking care of the McDougal brothers for them.
  25. Ever notice how everyone in this series seems to have terrible aim with firearms and ballistics?
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