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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Guy with the glasses really needs to get over himself.
  2. I watched the last episode on my brother's Crunchyroll account yesterday, and it was fucking hard. I'm so glad we have the dubbed version.
  3. Shit like that is why I don't watch Gundam anymore.
  4. I think it's something else, but I don't want to say what in case I'm actually right. So I guess I'll wrap it in spoiler tags:
  5. Oh yeah. He lost his memories of what things are like as an adult. So this is like going through puberty and he's exploring his sexuality....a second time.
  6. Keep in mind, this guy's stand is the same one who killed Osiris in cold blood. Appropriate for a piece of shit like this stand user.
  7. I miss when they did music videos over shows nobody cared about. Like Naruto Shippuden.
  8. Holy shit, Gon's made a cameo in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. That's fucking cool.
  9. Lmfao, here's an explanation for why Iggy popped in last episode, I guess.
  10. I think that's this episode's stand user, based on his goofy fucking get-up.
  11. The World of the Kais is getting rocked.
  12. Kid Buu played comet and is creating new landmasses with Goku. Such an epic moment.
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