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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. LMFAO, Goku didn't even need to look.
  2. Like a backwards game of whack the mole here.
  3. Even Babidi is rooting for Goku. This was series-ending tier stuff.
  4. Then how does Zamasu/Black kill Goku a second time? Or did I mishear what was said?
  5. This doesn't make any fucking sense. I thought Goku was killed by the Heart Virus in Future Trunks's timeline?
  6. Now canon: Goku has NEVER kissed a woman. Not even Chi-Chi. No wonder she's so angry all the time.
  7. SURPRISE! Nothing has fucking changed!
  8. Not sure who Trunks could fuse with since....well....Trunks is the only super warrior left in his timeline.
  9. Probably wouldn't make it any less confusing for them.
  10. Bulma saves Goku's ass from embarrassment.
  11. Basically, this is something we already knew about, but DBS needs to explain something fans have known for more than 25 years.
  12. DBS trying to use time travel logic. Ugh.
  13. Lol, if Beerus has a tantrum, it should be scary. But it isn't.
  14. It's actually been known for a couple of years that Adventure Time was going to end soon. I'm PISSED that Dark Matter isn't being renewed, though.
  15. Haven't seen a single episode of this show, so it should be a treat....I hope.
  16. Hunter x Hunter was pushed into the 1:30 AM timeslot, and I usually get tired now between 12:30 and 1:00 AM. I wouldn't have made it through. I was dozing off by the end of Black Clover, believe it or not.
  17. I think that's enough anime for tonight. Time for sleep.
  18. The power of love an acceptance powers up his sword. This is Care Bears shit.
  19. Ice giant cares not for your flashbacks. NOW DIE!
  21. It's like being nice is an alien concept to this fellow.
  22. One of the most common Shonen tropes ever.
  23. Saw it coming the moment she pointed her wand.
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