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Everything posted by WhoWhatWhenWhy

  1. who knows, maybe this will push Sandler more so towards serious roles, considering as far as comedy goes the dude's a has been.
  2. maybe, I honestly don't keep up with news involving celebrities or what not.
  3. Am 27, never drunk anything, never smoked anything, never popped any pills, despite popular belief. Had far too many bad examples of where that stuff leads. Both my real dad and step dad destroyed their lives because of beer, going to prison because something they did as a result of being drunk. My step-dad drinking and doing drugs resulting him being a nightmare of a person, to me, my mom, my sis, and even her parents. As for smoking I'm a pretty health conscious person, I don't smoke and never will, and I go to lengths to avoid secondhand smoke. That shit is fucking over my parents health, and my gramps who died at age 69 has smoked since he was in his teens (as a lot of folks did back then) it being something he tried so many times to quit but couldn't, that along with stress induced by my step-dad contributed to all the health issues he's had in his last couple of years.
  4. The only thing I know about the movie is apparently Adam Sandler was upset cause it either didn't get nominated for anything, or he didn't win any awards for it.
  5. Yeah... I can promise you that if you were to drink that stuff your insides would be on fire and you'd probably need medical attention.
  6. I do commend you. When you say you're sober, is it drugs or alcohol you quit? My step-dad was an alcoholic for decades, my mom, sis, and I went through so much because of him. There was one time he tried grabbing the wheel while my mom was driving, her pulling the car over followed by punching her in the nose and pushing her out and taking off in the car. I remember back when I was in 8th grade he dragged out all of me and my sis' furniture and lit it on fire to get at my mom. He used to beat my sis whenever she ran his mouth to him, hell when I was a kid he caused my gramps to have to get stitches on his face. I used to avoid doing anything that might upset him out of fear, but even then that didn't stop him from taking out his anger on me from time to time. The dude following getting arrested after the one incident i mentioned with my mom, him facing prison time (didn't happen though since my mom didn't press it), he started going to AA , this being in 09 I think. But even then it wasn't until 2011 that he was finally completely sober, him sneaking beers for those 2-3 years, being a rollercoaster of mood swings. My life around him was a fucking nightmare, really it wasn't until 2017 that I'd say he finally calmed down and is alright to be around and is a different guy, him going to AA meetings once or twice every week, him getting really big into church.
  7. Someone said something about some anime tiddies?
  8. an article I found on google that explains it pretty well https://ecobear.co/homeless-encampment-cleaning/homeless-people-in-japan/
  9. Japan has a pretty big homeless problem from my understanding, considering the high cost of living there, even for a single room apartment. That said though supposedly homeless folks there in general are better than in most other places, them cleaning up after themselves and making sure to go unnoticed, them living in communities looking after one another.
  10. Very nice, very nice. I still have a long way to go but I hope to make him proud one day.
  11. woah man, you better back off of the Z Man, I once saw him take on three bikers at the same time.
  12. Ultima, how's the Z Man doing? As his disciple I still have much to learn about how to be an alpha male.
  13. I'm planning for a plot twist where it's revealed that the girls father is actually the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and then he has a street fight with the main character to find out once and for all who the real alpha male is.
  14. You don't wanna be the wingman to the alpha male character? There'll be a pizza party after each shoot.
  15. Depends, would you like a starring role in the movie?
  16. But first some backstory. I'm an alpha male, as simple as that. Being the alpha male that I am I make sure to pay my respects to the big man in the clouds as much as I can, so I go to church on Sundays and Wednesday, and being as alpha as I am I'll also go on Mondays and Thursdays, but when I feel like I really need to pay my dues I'll go on Tuesdays and Fridays, sometimes Saturdays. Anywho, so I met this one cute Christian girl there. We're talking real cute, 10 out of 10. Blonde hair with warm tits and a big heart, she has it where it counts. So being the assertive male that I am I invite her out, not to go drinking obviously cause I don't touch the devil's nectar, that not being alpha at all. After that we're at her place in her room, and we're all talking and hugging and all that, she then mentions how she's a virgin and that we can't have sex, and I applauded her for that, being an alpha meaning that I only have sex after marriage and for the sole purpose of procreation. But that was when she instead asked me if I wanted to do anal, and I was like "woah, back the hell up." I couldn't believe that she'd casually ask me to perform sodomy like it was nothing. I had no choice but to leave her room and go tell her father, the pastor, about what his daughter tried proposing. I like her so I don't want her to go to hell, so I felt like it was the right thing to do, being alpha and all. So how has your day been?
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