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Everything posted by UwP

  1. I keep my serious threads, still lighthearted. Because why would I continue to feed into malicious hatred? If you so much "cared/had sympathy" the "normal" human response would be to message the person. I don't beg. Sorry, not my kink.
  2. Man, my pussy is pretty magical for it to fart unicorns.
  3. Ah, so again, you know the person(s) that started shit, on the internet, and tried to make it viral by pretending to be me and then saying I kill a certain population of people? That's fucked up on you. Not me. I don't need sympathy. The people that needed to read the posts did. That is all. 😘
  4. Boy does it feel great.
  5. UwP

    What is sleep?

    Make sure to add cracky too. So I can fall asleep about taxes. 🖤
  6. UwP

    What is sleep?

    Quick, someone find me pat.
  7. Gimme rainbow twinkle lights.
  8. Oh man. Are you throat hurt too? Do you need to use the double sided dildo?
  9. UwP

    What is sleep?

    My brain doesn't know how to shut down. So unless I'm dead, it won't matter.
  10. UwP

    What is sleep?

    I try the acting, it never works. No matter if it's early or late.
  11. UwP

    What is sleep?

    Milk is death to my asshole. I've been sick from dairy products since birth.
  12. UwP


    I knew it.
  13. UwP

    What is sleep?

    So far the only thing that has helped me, is niquil. I sleep hard. Or benadryl. But I do that very rarely. I've just sucked it up at this point.
  14. UwP

    What is sleep?

    Eep. Yeah I've done sleep studies and they've shown no signs of issues.
  15. UwP


    You're not on my death wish today. Carry on.
  16. UwP


    Nobody. ... Yet. 😘
  17. UwP

    What is sleep?

    I've suffered from insomnia since I was like 13ish. But I've always been a terrible morning person since birth. I was that person they question about staying up too long, seeing spiders/bugs and shit. Thus I'm probably more insane than I make myself out to be.
  18. UwP

    What is sleep?

    I haven't slept well in months. Soooo...I'll keep you posted.
  19. UwP

    What is sleep?

  20. UwP

    What is sleep?

    Yes. That's just a wonderful feeling.
  21. UwP

    What is sleep?

    I drove around for 3 hours. I took a normal nap yesterday. I started getting sleepy. I laid there and my brain wouldn't stfu.
  22. UwP

    What is sleep?

    I start my new job on the 7th. So I've been in vacation land myself. F.
  23. UwP

    What is sleep?

    This is probably why I took up drinking for awhile.
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