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Everything posted by UwP

  1. UwP

    Will you...

  2. UwP

    Will you...

  3. UwP

    Will you...

    It's okay...I asked your father for permission.
  4. UwP

    Will you...

    I also have toes.
  5. UwP

    Will you...

    Too late. We're all married now.
  6. UwP

    Will you...

  7. UwP

    Will you...

  8. UwP

    Will you...

  9. UwP

    Will you...

  10. Did you end up adding me
  11. UwP

    Tag You're It!

    ... You're still it though.
  12. UwP

    Tag You're It!

  13. UwP

    Tag You're It!

  14. UwP

    Tag You're It!

    @JehutyNinja TAG YOU'RE IT.
  15. No tag backs!
  16. I have 0 ramens. But I do have a ziti noodle.
  17. There's exactly 12 totes. Good meth.
  18. I am willing to increase said 1 mac noodle - to 5 mac noodles. Final offer.
  19. pick the things up and put the things down
  20. i will add butter and garlic salt to said noodle.
  21. a plastic box that has a lid that you can purchase at any fine retailer.
  22. What about a macaroni noodle?
  23. A single spaghetti noodle, to put all the totes I put in my car, and drove 20 hours to turn around to drive back 20 hours, back into my original house and put the shit away that are in them.
  24. Ahh. That's probably the time you could win tickets to his house party. I tried that summer...cuz 20 years ago I was deff underage. 🤣
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