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Everything posted by Reallifehasdied

  1. I took two weeks off to work on a new woodworking bench and complete some projects. The kids and wife have been nuts and so far I have put up two shelf brackets and made a new bench seat for using my drill press. I have about $160 of rough cut lumber to mill before I even start my bench.
  2. That dude has woman hips.
  3. Haha honestly for me it is a tough call. New York or California?
  4. Nice. We had to talk to a guy at work and tell him if he was going to go to town on himself he needed to do it before he came to work.
  5. What I'm supposed to press a button twice while I'm in the shitter?
  6. what I'm supposed to know how to get home from Starbucks on my own?
  7. Same reason people use suppositories, convenience.
  8. lol that second one
  9. What is going on in Barber shops
  10. Virginia is hard because it only had a Short Pump.
  11. My wife is pregnant and needed new shoes because her others fell apart and it is hurting her knees ankles and hips. Shoe stores only selling to State workers. RIP
  12. DuDe ThIs Is WaReZ aNd Is OlD aS dIrT. (oR aT lEaSt AoL 2.0)
  13. I played the demo and was disappointed in a few things. The tight pacing and ability to figure out where/how to go in the RE2 remake seemed to have gone. Also some tweaks to the interface which seemed pointless and worse than the last game. It's a shame because REIII originally had that pacing.
  14. Growing up we only drank from Welch's Grape Jelly jars.
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