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Everything posted by AnimationFan14

  1. Remember take and shot for every server crash during JoJo
  2. "Jonathon is this a bad time for a divorce"
  3. Certainly looks like it's "head"ing in that direction
  4. If One Piece Film Gold goes to the same theaters the limited release Spirited Away was released in near me then I could drive about 2 hours to see it in a really nice theater
  5. Night Saito, it was fun and glad you could join us
  6. I can supply a reminder sometime during the week lol
  7. You could watch it like
  8. It's pretty cool that despite any limited popularity One Piece Film Gold is still getting a theatrical chance even if it's limited
  9. I'd imagine it would be interesting if you woke up thinking you drew something when you were drunk the night before and saw it was scribbles
  10. Well the thread would just have a XXX warning and every image inside the thread will be spoiler marked and maybe could contain a description so anyone interested would know what they are getting into. Those not interested or those who may be grossed out I guess would just not go into it
  11. Maybe there can be an X rated art thread that can be made on these forms
  12. Side tumblr made me think of the term "Side piece" and I'm sure your x rated work is quite good as well
  13. 4Kids "He's kicking his booty"
  14. This is really really good
  15. Sasuke used up all the lightning
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