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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. It's time to end the night with a retro burst of unbelievable speed! 2:30 AM tonight, to close out TOONAMI!!
  2. Yep, Chidori'ing those who trusted him most just so he could activate the Mangekyo Sharingan! THAT'S LOW!
  3. And I guess we're done with this week's offering. ON to home-stretch Shippuden!
  4. Boo had a question to axe, and he didn't like the answer!!
  5. Episode #645: "Destruction Cannon Blast!" "Lucy In Trouble!"
  6. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/dr-stone-new-world/episode-15/.204074 3.5 Stars from ANN--I agree. Great "Calm before the storm" episode, and you can just feel the tension in the air! ON to One Piece!
  7. I'll level with you all: I have absolutely no idea what's going on in this show right now. But here's hoping we all enjoy it. 2 AM tonight 12/2/23, ONLY TOONAMI!
  8. Trouble's coming!! Spend a whole hour in Dressrosa tomorrow night at 1, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  9. Get Excited--more Dr. Stone is comin' your way as the Kingdom of Science will use science to get out of yet another sticky situation! 12:30 Tomorrow night (12/2/23), ONLY TOONAMI!!
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