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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. And AOT Final Season Part 3?? C'MON, MAN! Demon slayer is a special case in which it wasn't known that there would be a 2nd season. But if you don't think Toonami has some sort of right-of-refusal on those, you're nuts!
  2. Third-to-last episode of this batch, so get your Titan on at 12:30 AM Tomorrow night (4/16/22)! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  3. Yes folks, you read that right. EPISODE ZERO. Meaning we can expect some sort of prologue. But should be a lot of fun, right?? LUPIN IS BACK! 1:30 AM tomorrow (4/16/22) ONLY TOONAMI!!
  4. Yeah, I GUESS not. Kinda funny how he had such determination and then ended up so sheepish! https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-4-9-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Shenmue hung on for dear life at #50 and 199K viewers/0.08 18-49, but 3 hours later, Naruto hadn't decayed the viewership MUCH, just to 0.06. About 75% retention throughout the block is pretty good by the Toonami Faithful!!
  5. Inb4 MLP: Friendship Is Magic on Toonami...
  6. Darn it, just couldn't stay awake!
  7. Darn it, the slow music during the flashback must have put me to sleep. Another Cowboy Bebop missed!
  8. I guess this is it? It's not like Naruto Shippuden is a BAD show, especially not these episodes!
  10. Seems that way. ON To Shippuden!
  11. Damnit, Jinbei, your story is putting me to sleep!!
  12. Wow, it's truly Tearjerkin' Toonami night!!
  13. I'm still reeling from that Made In Abyss finale, so thanks for picking up the episode thread!
  14. Maybe Labor Day Weekend, and then premiere the 2nd season the week after that? We can only hope!! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/made-in-abyss/episode-13/.122080 Grade: A+! This hour-long finale was truly sublime, and thank Goodness unlike Demon Slayer and Mob Psycho 100, this one looks like it WON'T be a "white whale" so Toonami can bring the rest of the story to U.S. Cable TV! ON to a lone One Piece!
  15. More of a semi-cliffhanger. I guess some of this stuff is resolved in the movie? Hopefully Toonami gets to air it someday, but for now, we say Farewell to the Abyss!
  16. I'm not sure what's up with this ending montage, but Nanachi has joined the party!
  17. It was "what's UP with your penis!" Best line of the entire show!
  18. Yeah, eating the shroombear probably was a bad call!
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