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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. True, but MomoCon 2022 DID happen at a time when things were MOSTLY back to normal. If the same holds true next year, they MIGHT make an appearance. Might just be Gill Austin and Steve Blum though. The Adult Swim Festival earlier this year was in-person and it didn't contain any Toonami content at all, it seems. Not even a sneak peek of Housing Complex C...
  2. Apparently, they DID actually make one. It just never aired on Toonami last week.
  3. I think they were at MomoCon earlier this year... Edit: NOPE!!
  4. Is this where Kishimoto started to rip off Avatar!? 🤔
  5. This kinda reminds me of OG Naruto and early-Shippuden Kakashi trying to teach Naruto to do...anything! 🤣
  6. Hang in there! Unless you're trying to watch PRIMAL, it's just a little longer!
  7. Between this and Yashahime, it's the "main characters' possible deaths cliffhanger" POWER HOUR!!
  8. Crap!! It turns out all that poison and boom-boom DID take its toll!
  9. Holy crap!! Yeah, I knew that would be the pseudo-cliffhanger!
  10. Hopefully we never find out. But probably akin to what happened in the back third of JoJo Part 5.
  11. As for me, I'm wide awake this late for once!!
  12. Y'all might get a kick out of this one. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/made-in-abyss-the-golden-city-of-the-scorching-sun/episode-4/.188132 4 Stars! ON to Yashahime!!
  13. The Hollow that hurt her last time saved her from a similar fate this time! What the hell IS Meinya, anyway!?
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