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Fantasy Football Champion
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Gemini last won the day on July 17 2023

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  1. Dear assfaces on the left, especially those in the Democrat Party, Your gaslighting and condescending tone did this. Maybe quit calling everybody who disagrees with you on policy Hitler and actually move back toward the center? Signed, Trump 2024 Voters, 74 million strong...and counting.
  2. Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Something came up IRL and I didn't think I'd be able to devote my attention to Fantasy Football this year. I should've just stayed in and done an autodraft thing. Oh, well. There's always next year. Good luck, everybody!
  3. Some people just can't help themselves. Hell, some people don't even want to try to improve. That's when you leave those people alone.
  4. Okay. I’ll respond to you, but that’s it. I’ve never promoted political violence in any form. Those who do are also wrong. Edit: I understand, Jman. I just felt I needed to clarify.
  5. Wishing for the death of another person, especially by assassination, is immoral, especially if you don’t agree with their political ideology. Downvote me all you want. Deep down, y’all know I’m right, even if you don’t want to admit it. I’m not saying anything else on the matter so don’t bother responding to me.
  6. Rooting for the death of a political opponent or adversary, especially by assassination, is immoral, regardless of party. Doesn't matter if you hate the person with the passion of a thousand suns. It is not the answer. And in case you're wondering, I've never, ever wanted any politician to be assassinated. This is not the answer!
  7. I saw the first two episodes and enjoyed them. I had quit watching them because I was moving back home and forgot to pick them back up. Plus, I also found out that Archer was back on Netflix and I started binging that again. (You know, before the hurricane came through.) DANGER ZONE!
  8. I have another update! WE HAVE POWER! That’s right. Power came back on a couple hours ago. The only thing that would make this even better would be if we got Internet access back as well. But that’s OK. I still have my phone.
  9. Update: Mom and I are fine. We have two generators. One of them is currently running, and the other is an emergency backup/spare one for another family member. Luckily, my grandfather in Deer Park has power. If we don’t get power back on over here the next couple days, we may need to go over there to take showers and stuff. We really don’t have enough water pressure to justify doing that over here at the moment. Also, my big brother Jamie and his family across the street are fine as well. In fact, they have their own generator.
  10. Gemini is an air sign, after all. lol
  11. That’s old news. I did that during Ike. lol
  12. Feeling cute. Might post during Beryl using my phone. IDK.
  13. I'm about to have a hurricane come through. Hope we don't lose power.
  14. I'm FINALLY playing GTA V, and yes, I'm enjoying it.
  15. I will say the 2015 edition of Hard Knocks that featured my Texans was definitely impressive. (One of the few years I actually had HBO.) It's a great series, but for most of its duration, I haven't had a way to watch it except maybe on NFL Network, and I don't think they've shown that in the last several years. Now that I have Max, I have a way to watch it. I haven't looked into whether or not it includes other seasons, but if it does, I've got some bingewatching to do. lol Wish me luck.
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