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About a month ago my Dad passed away.  My Mom told me that yesterday while a friend was over, the doorbell began ringing continously.  The friend said that it was probably just the batteries getting low and pulled them out.  A few moments later, another doorbell that hadn't worked in years started ringing continuously.


So, skeptics & believers of the boards, what you got - Coincidence, or something paranormal?

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Programming within the bell circuitry probably has a subprogram to notify that the batteries are not outputting enough juice - much like that annoying "beep" of a smoke detector when it has a low battery.

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About a month ago my Dad passed away.  My Mom told me that yesterday while a friend was over, the doorbell began ringing continously.  The friend said that it was probably just the batteries getting low and pulled them out.  A few moments later, another doorbell that hadn't worked in years started ringing continuously.


So, skeptics & believers of the boards, what you got - Coincidence, or something paranormal?


im sorry about your dad...but "One of the great cosmic laws, I think, is that whatever we hold in our thought will come true in our experience. When we hold something, anything, in our thought, then somehow coincidence leads us in the direction that we've been wishing to lead ourselves."

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