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Children grow up factionless and go to school together and learn about each of the factions. Whatever they exceed the most in becomes their faction for life.

Ronnie is a beautiful girl with many talents. She excels in all factions but stresses warriorship because she likes a boy who is a top warrior. She begins dating him, they fall in love and shortly before they are assigned factions he asks her to marry him certain that she'll be in his faction. What she doesn't know is that a boy from the agriculture faction has fallen for her. His parents have ties high among the ranks of those choosing which faction each child is put into. He convinces his parents Ronnie would be a great benefit to their faction. They have try outs to determine which faction theyll go into. Ronnie displays her many talents but stresses her fighting skills. They call her name and assign her to agriculture. She screams "What? No?" But the deans of agriculture drag her away holding her arms and legs. They lock her into a room to calm her down and she cries. She pretends to accept her fate so she's released but as soon as she can she runs to the Warriors and finds Clyde. He promises to train her to be an even better fighter and that theyll go back before the council to get them to change their mind. Gregor, the agriculture boy, finds ways to spend all his time with Ronnie. He work aside her sun up to sun down in the feilds. He comes on to her but she rebuffs him. He follows her on her many meeting with Clyde and discovers her plans to have her decision over ruled. Ronnie interrupts the next Decision Ceremony and challenges any warrior to fight her in front of the council. She wins every fight. Before the council can change its mind Gregors parents stand against it saying that the decision was made and can't be remade. If Ronnie is refusing the council she undermines their authority and threatens the very core of their society. The council decides that she will remain with agriculture or become factionless. Defeated she goes back to agriculture and refuses to work or eat. Its only because of Gregors influence that she isn't thrown out. She eventually goes back to work a shell of her former self. She sneaks off to see Clyde. The become secret lovers. Eventually Ronnie becomes pregnant. Gregor knows before she can figure it out. He offers to marry her to keep her from becoming shunned because single mother's aren't accepted and are ousted from factions. During this time Clyde has risen amongst the ranks of the warrior class. The only thing holding him back from becoming one if their greatest leaders is the fact that he refuses to take a wife.

Eventually Ronnie begins to show. She's taken before the council, and which Clyde now has a seat, and is asked to name the father of her child. She refuses but only admits that the father is not someone's husband. They have many meetings where they beg her to name a father and she doesn't. Then during one meeting Gregor, who is now also apart of the council and also unmarried, comes forth and says he's the father. Ronnie screams "No, you liar!" Gregor pleads for forgiveness from the council and says he will marry Ronnie to make things right. Ronnie says he's not the father and she won't marry him. The leaders of the council say she will marry Gregor or be thrown out to the factionless and agriculture will raise her child without her. Ronnie doesn't want to lose her child so like a zombie she goes through with the sham of a marriage. Right before the marriage is finalized, men wearing black masks on horses attack. Its apparent it's warriors but no one can tell which warriors. They snatch up Ronnie and ride away with her. They ride far and hard always looking for pursuit but agriculture does not go after then they ride a full day. When Ronnie asks questions,  they gag her, tie her hands behind her back and tell her to keep quiet.  She begins to cry convinced that the warriors want to murder her because of all the trouble she's caused and the threat she is to society.

Night falls and the warriors stop to make camp. A warrior comes and grabs Ronnie. He jabs a scimitar into her back and tells her to walk away from the camp. Ronnie thinks this is it. She is to be murdered by this man in the woods and she can't even plead for her life or the life of her child because she's gagged.

The man stops and lowers the scimitar.  Ronnie falls to her knees and cries. The man cuts her wrists free and ungags her. "Please, don't kill me. Please let me go and I'll never bother anyone again." The man stares at her a moment before taking off his mask revealing that he is Clyde. Ronnie moves towards him but he holds up the sword between them.

"Whose baby is it, Ronnie?"

"It's yours. Of course it's yours, Clyde! How can you ask me that?"

"Have you been with him?"

"No, never!"

"Why were you going to marry him?"

"What choice did I have? If I named you as the father it would've ruined everything.  It would have caused war between the factions."

"So you'd marry that slimeball and have him raise our child?"

"Are you going to kill me, Clyde?"

"How can you ask me that?"

"Then why are we out here?"

"Just down this road I've built a house for you. You're to stay there until ive straightened things out. What happened tonight will be seen as an act of war from the warrior class to the other of factions. I have to find a way to make peace again."




Children grow up factionless and go to school together and learn about each of the factions. Whatever they exceed the most in becomes their faction for life.

Ronnie is a beautiful girl with many talents. She excels in all factions but stresses warriorship because she likes a boy who is a top warrior. She begins dating him, they fall in love and shortly before they are assigned factions he asks her to marry him certain that she'll be in his faction. What she doesn't know is that a boy from the agriculture faction has fallen for her. His parents have ties high among the ranks of those choosing which faction each child is put into. He convinces his parents Ronnie would be a great benefit to their faction. They have try outs to determine which faction theyll go into. Ronnie displays her many talents but stresses her fighting skills. They call her name and assign her to agriculture. She screams "What? No?" But the deans of agriculture drag her away holding her arms and legs. They lock her into a room to calm her down and she cries. She pretends to accept her fate so she's released but as soon as she can she runs to the Warriors and finds Clyde. He promises to train her to be an even better fighter and that theyll go back before the council to get them to change their mind. Gregor, the agriculture boy, finds ways to spend all his time with Ronnie. He work aside her sun up to sun down in the feilds. He comes on to her but she rebuffs him. He follows her on her many meeting with Clyde and discovers her plans to have her decision over ruled. Ronnie interrupts the next Decision Ceremony and challenges any warrior to fight her in front of the council. She wins every fight. Before the council can change its mind Gregors parents stand against it saying that the decision was made and can't be remade. If Ronnie is refusing the council she undermines their authority and threatens the very core of their society. The council decides that she will remain with agriculture or become factionless. Defeated she goes back to agriculture and refuses to work or eat. Its only because of Gregors influence that she isn't thrown out. She eventually goes back to work a shell of her former self. She sneaks off to see Clyde. The become secret lovers. Eventually Ronnie becomes pregnant. Gregor knows before she can figure it out. He offers to marry her to keep her from becoming shunned because single mother's aren't accepted and are ousted from factions. During this time Clyde has risen amongst the ranks of the warrior class. The only thing holding him back from becoming one if their greatest leaders is the fact that he refuses to take a wife.

Eventually Ronnie begins to show. She's taken before the council, and which Clyde now has a seat, and is asked to name the father of her child. She refuses but only admits that the father is not someone's husband. They have many meetings where they beg her to name a father and she doesn't. Then during one meeting Gregor, who is now also apart of the council and also unmarried, comes forth and says he's the father. Ronnie screams "No, you liar!" Gregor pleads for forgiveness from the council and says he will marry Ronnie to make things right. Ronnie says he's not the father and she won't marry him. The leaders of the council say she will marry Gregor or be thrown out to the factionless and agriculture will raise her child without her. Ronnie doesn't want to lose her child so like a zombie she goes through with the sham of a marriage. Right before the marriage is finalized, men wearing black masks on horses attack. Its apparent it's warriors but no one can tell which warriors. They snatch up Ronnie and ride away with her. They ride far and hard always looking for pursuit but agriculture does not go after then they ride a full day. When Ronnie asks questions,  they gag her, tie her hands behind her back and tell her to keep quiet.  She begins to cry convinced that the warriors want to murder her because of all the trouble she's caused and the threat she is to society.

Night falls and the warriors stop to make camp. A warrior comes and grabs Ronnie. He jabs a scimitar into her back and tells her to walk away from the camp. Ronnie thinks this is it. She is to be murdered by this man in the woods and she can't even plead for her life or the life of her child because she's gagged.

The man stops and lowers the scimitar.  Ronnie falls to her knees and cries. The man cuts her wrists free and ungags her. "Please, don't kill me. Please let me go and I'll never bother anyone again." The man stares at her a moment before taking off his mask revealing that he is Clyde. Ronnie moves towards him but he holds up the sword between them.

"Whose baby is it, Ronnie?"

"It's yours. Of course it's yours, Clyde! How can you ask me that?"

"Have you been with him?"

"No, never!"

"Why were you going to marry him?"

"What choice did I have? If I named you as the father it would've ruined everything.  It would have caused war between the factions."

"So you'd marry that slimeball and have him raise our child?"

"Are you going to kill me, Clyde?"

"How can you ask me that?"

"Then why are we out here?"

"Just down this road I've built a house for you. You're to stay there until ive straightened things out. What happened tonight will be seen as an act of war from the warrior class to the other of factions. I have to find a way to make peace again."




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